Meet Bianca, Editor of The Inside Lane
Bianca Prieto, new editor of The Inside Lane, leverages her journalism expertise and industry connections to enhance the newsletter with unique content and reader input.

Dear Insiders,
I'm thrilled to step in as the new editor of The Inside Lane, your go-to newsletter for fleet industry insights. With over 15,000 subscribers and growing, it's my mission to ensure this newsletter remains your most valuable source of information and inspiration.
First, I want to express my gratitude to my colleague Katie Parsons, whose dedication and hard work have been the driving force behind this newsletter's success. I'm here to build on that foundation while she is off expanding our suite of newsletters.
Bringing with me a rich background in journalism, I've spent years honing the craft of storytelling, always with a keen eye on integrity and the impact of our narratives. Now, I aim to bring these skills to the forefront of our discussions in the fleet industry.
For those of you who make the wheels of the fleet world turn—drivers, dockers, managers, owners, and office staff — I share your dedication. My mom and stepdad have been on the road since the late '90s, with my mom taking on solo regional routes for the past six years.
Their experiences have given me firsthand insight into the challenges and triumphs you face daily. What affects you affects me, and it's this shared experience that I aim to reflect in the content of the Inside Lane.

I cherish fond memories of riding in my mom's rig. One Easter weekend I was on the road with them and the Easter Bunny left a basket for me on the front seat of my mom's truck.
We’ve met countless times at truck stops across the country to share quick, heartfelt hugs or even once to introduce my new baby to his Papi (grandpa). Life on the road away from family isn’t easy and I get it, truly.

We are excited to announce that The Inside Lane is now producing its own exclusive content, diving deeper into industry insights and bringing you stories you won't find anywhere else.
We're committed to being at the forefront of the fleet industry, not just by sharing news but by being a part of the narrative that shapes this industry.
The fleet industry is the backbone of American life, essential to every service and commodity we rely on. Recognizing this, I want to hear from you.
What achievements are you celebrating?
What challenges are you grappling with?
Even the unpopular opinions you believe need a voice—I'm here to listen and ensure they're represented.
Your feedback and news tips are the compass that will guide our journey. If there's something we're doing right, let me know. If there's something missing, something that could be better, I'm all ears.
My inbox is always open because this newsletter is about you, your needs, and how we can serve you better.
Together, let's drive forward, sharing stories, insights, and ideas that not only inform but also inspire. Welcome to the new chapter of The Inside Lane. Let's make it our best yet.
Stay safe out there,
P.S. Have you followed us on Instagram yet? Meet me there. @theinsidelane_
Bianca Prieto can be reached at
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